Schlagwort-Archive: Visuals

Official Video: Walls „Gaberdine“

Wirklich sehr gelungene Visuals für das neue Video von den „Walls“ welches Teil ihres Mini Albums ist. Schöner Song und die Vocals passen auch sehr gut rein.

Walls are back with the final single from their self-titled mini album. „Gaberdine“ has been a huge crowd favorite for good reason and now is brought to life thanks to JimJam Graphics video for the song. The contrast of the visual digitality with the organic sway of the song works remarkably well together. Be sure to pick up their single over at iTunes now!

Tracey Thorn – Kentish Town (Walls Remix) [Buzzin‘ Fly‘] by alchemyremixmanagement



Video: M.I.A.: „XXXO“

Wie zu erwarten very Crazy visuals from our Homegirl M.I.A.
